The Unconverted
How Israel excludes those ‘not Jewish enough’: Meet the ‘second-class’ Jews whose plight is sparking an uprising against Israel’s supreme religious authority.
Judy Maltz Haaretz
Click here to view full article on Haaretz website
How Israel excludes those ‘not Jewish enough’: Meet the ‘second-class’ Jews whose plight is sparking an uprising against Israel’s supreme religious authority.
Judy Maltz Haaretz
Click here to view full article on Haaretz website
I love reunion scenes in movies: a mother and child embracing each other after a long journey that kept them apart; two lovers reuniting after a war ends; Lassie returning home.
But nothing on the screen compares to reuniting a real family that has been torn apart.
This past Shabbat, Parashat “Ekev,” we read the words:He doth execute justice for the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Love ye therefore the stranger; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. While still in the seven weeks of Shabbat Nachmu – Shabbat of Consolation between Tisha b’Av and Rosh HaShannah, we remain sore following the events which took place less than two weeks ago.