Monthly Archives: October 2023

Prime Ministers offer support to Israel

Six of Australia’s seven former prime ministers have released a statement condemning the “hatred” spread by Hamas.

Six of Australia’s seven former prime ministers have released a statement condemning the “hatred” spread by Hamas.

ARZA Australia, on behalf of the Progressive Jewish community thanks the six former Australian Prime Ministers from both our major political parties for providing a wonderful statement of support for all those who have and will suffer as a result of the barbaric and cruel attack by Hamas on Israeli communities which included entire families, babies, grandparents and the young.

Their recognition of the deliberate aim of Hamas to cause Israel to declare war in order to protect the people and the land of Israel is so appreciated.

Their strong advice to all Australians to respect one another regardless of race or religion, and their stated strong opposition to any form of racial or religious vilification is heartening.

It is to be hoped that all Australians heed the advice of our former leaders, gather in peace and refrain from violent and hateful protest.

Rabbi Benjamin Elton today quoted Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was murdered by the Nazis in 1945 and who said “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act”. Now is the time for those who can act to act, and for those who can speak to speak.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Former Prime Ministers of Australia

All of us are former Prime Ministers of Australia.

Our mulcultural nation’s success is founded on the Australian values we all share and the respect we show for our fellow Australians’ diversity of cultures and faiths.

Whatever is happening elsewhere in the world, there is no place in our country for racial or religious hatred.

And there is no more tenaciously evil race hatred than antisemitism. Our Australian Jewish community, directly affected by the terrible crimes of Hamas, not only has to endure the loss and suffering of their families in Israel, but now sees these events being used by some to spread ancient hatreds which have inflicted so much suffering on the Jewish people for thousands of years.

No complaint or concern about international affairs justifies hate speech against any Australian, or any Australian community.

We believe we speak for the vast majority of Australians, of all faiths and of none, when we say we stand in solidarity with Jewish Australians at this time.

Likewise, we stand too with the Australian Palestinian community whose families are dying and suffering in this terrible conflict.

They too deserve our love and support.

Our nation’s success depends on us not allowing conflict overseas to turn Australians against each other.

We condemn the cruel and murderous attack on Israeli families by Hamas on October 7. After raining thousands of rockets down on Israel, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and kidnapped and murdered 1400 Israelis; young and old, women and men, children – not even babies were spared. It was the single largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust and its grotesque cruelty and violence was comparable to that of ISIS.

We call for the unconditional release of all the hostages taken by Hamas.

The Hamas terrorists sought to horrify and intimidate the people of Israel, shaking that nation’s faith in its technology, its military, its government.

But they also sought to provoke Israel into a reaction that would kill countless innocent civilians in Gaza. The Hamas terrorists have no more interest in the safety of Palestinians than they do of Israelis.

They want Israel to invade and bomb Gaza. They want to be able to point to thousands of Palestinian casualties from Israeli military action.

Their mission is to promote hatred – hatred of Israelis, hatred of Jews, hatred of Palestinians, hatred of Muslims.

If our hearts are filled with hatred, then we will be doing the terrorists’ work.

At home in Australia we must treat each other with love and with respect. We must support those who are grieving and distressed.

On the battlefield in Israel and Gaza we do not presume to give strategic advice to Israel. But the legitimate objective of defeating Hamas must be accompanied by support and protection for the civilian population of Gaza. Israel promises it will do all it can to avoid civilian casualties, we urge it to do so with all of its humanity and skill.

We call for sustained humanitarian access to ensure essential supplies can reach innocent Palestinians.

We are horrified by the thousands of deaths and injuries inflicted on innocent Palestinian civilians, including many, many Palestinian children.

We endorse, as we did in office, the Australian Government’s enduring support for a two-state solution as the basis for long-term lasting peace between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.

At this time, more than ever, we must in the words of the 34th Psalm “seek peace and pursue it”. And here at home that is done by defending our Australian values, condemning hate speech and intolerance and respecting the people of Australia in all our diversity.

The Hon. John Howard OM AC
The Hon. Dr Kevin Rudd AC
The Hon. Julia Gillard AC
The Hon. Tony Abbott AC
The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull AC
The Hon. Scott Morisson MP

30 October 2023

ARZA President, Helen Shardey

Helen Shardey OAM
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President
WUPJ Executive Board

2023-10-31T19:31:23+11:00October 31st, 2023|News|

Accusations based on ‘Prejudice rather than Evidence’. Elliot Abrams

An aerial view of the complex housing the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City after an explosion on the hospital grounds that killed hundreds, according to Palestinian officials. Unraveling the facts behind the explosion has been made difficult because of swarms of social media accounts spreading false information about the explosion. Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images

An aerial view of the complex housing the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City after an explosion on the hospital grounds that killed hundreds, according to Palestinian officials. Unraveling the facts behind the explosion has been made difficult because of swarms of social media accounts spreading false information about the explosion. Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images

During last week Israel was publicly accused of bombing a hospital in Gaza and killing 500 people.

Most but not all world leaders and media waited to hear the response to this accusation from Israel and the IDF.

As it turned out, Israel and the IDF claimed that the responsibility lay with Hamas or a Jihad group in Gaza.

The weapon that apparently landed in the hospital car park was a rocket fired from within Gaza and misfired.

Video images show the rocket, going upward, then blowing up and falling to the ground where the hospital is located. Other visual evidence also later proved the point.

While it is expected that Hamas will use almost any excuse to accuse Israel of atrocities, it is to be hoped that sensible leaders will not jump to conclusions and appear to believe what turn out to be false accusations.

The sophisticated technology that exists today can usually expose the truth or falsehood of military actions which target civilians as opposed to targeting terrorist installations or terrorists shielding behind civilian populations.

It is to be hoped that leaders, the media and the world at large will take a balanced approach to what is ahead in this very difficult crisis.

It is one in which Israel is having to take appropriate action to defend its population and rid the Middle East of barbaric terrorists who seem to delight in murdering Jewish women, children, and the elderly in peaceful communities.

On the part of Israel, this is not about taking revenge on a civilian population.

However we do know from past wars that very sadly civil populations sometimes do suffer even when everything is done to avoid civilian casualties and warn people to evacuate certain areas.

On the other hand, terrorist groups like Hamas and Jihad appear to have no qualms about putting civilians in harm’s way and will use them as human shields for their own protection.

Israel should not be expected to withstand the massacre of its civilian population by barbaric terrorists and the continuous deadly bombardment on its cities and communities by rockets fired from Gaza or anywhere else without a military response to defend and protect its people.


ARZA President, Helen Shardey

Helen Shardey OAM
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President
WUPJ Executive Board

2023-10-26T17:29:29+11:00October 26th, 2023|News|

We Mourn

Caulfield Park gathering 13 Oct

The Melbourne Jewish community gathering at Caulfield Park on Shabbat 13/10 in support of Israel

Dear ARZA Australia Friends and Friends and Families of those in Israel. We mourn your loss.

There is so much to be said, but where to begin? Perhaps less is more!

We have all been traumatised by what we have seen and heard. I am not about to repeat the horror of the killing and torture. We know what has happened and we can’t imagine any human being doing such things to another human being.

We here in Australia are gathering to support our brothers and sisters and bring comfort where we can. We are raising funds to support those in need in Israel. We are calling friends and family to tell them we love them and wish them safety and security.

As we read the briefings and watch it all on our screens, we wonder how we can help to bring an end to it all.

We know there is nothing we can do to this end. We understand that Israel has to take action to end the threat from Hamas and any others wanting to rain terror on the Jewish State, that has every right to exist within secure borders.

Those attacking have never ceded this right, despite the United Nations and the world creating the ancient land of the Hebrews a Jewish State, providing a safe haven for the most persecuted people on earth – the Jews.

Our hearts ache for you. We understand your fear for the future and for your sons and daughters serving their country. At my Shul we gathered to sing the songs of Israel and Hatikvah, the ballad of hope. We sang it with all our hearts and tears in our eyes.


ARZA President, Helen Shardey

Helen Shardey OAM
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President
WUPJ Executive Board

2023-10-17T17:36:44+11:00October 17th, 2023|News|
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