Hostage return
Hostages Release
The people of Israel have been on an emotional roller coaster over the past few weeks with the release of hostages. Their families, who have been going between hope and despair for 16 months – demonstrating, advocating, and pressuring the Israeli government through any avenue they could, and meeting with leaders around the world to pressure Hamas – have finally managed to find some comfort with the release of their loved ones.
The entire Israeli people have been crying with them, tears of happiness when reunited with their loved ones. The spirit shown by these young 20 year old women has been a source of strength for an entire nation.
Yet all of them have said their happiness will not be complete until all remaining hostages are released. This spirit of solidarity ( Arvut haddait ) – mutual commitment – is a unique unifying force of Israeli society. What may been seen by the opposing side as a weakness is in fact a source of strength. We look forward together with the rest of the people of Israel for the release of all hostages.
See below for some key events coming up and some important information to share with the community:
UIA Progressive Appeal 2025 Campaign Launch – “Don’t just give to Israel, change Israel.”
We would like to encourage everyone to support the UIA Progressive Appeal 2025
Attached please find a press release regarding the upcoming visit of IDF Major General (Ret) Noam Tibon and his wife Gali.
SUN 2 MARCH at 10am: Progressive Women (private home)
MON 3 MARCH at 7pm: Emanuel Synagogue
TUES 4 MARCH at 7pm: North Shore Temple Emanuel
MELBOURNE: THURS 6 MARCH at 7pm: Temple Beth Israel
PERTH: MON 10 MARCH at 7pm: Temple David
For further information and to attend one of the functions go to: -appeal/
Solidarity Mission to Israel
We are happy to share the attached solidarity mission organised by the
National Council of Jewish Women Australia
Register your interest here:
Last but not least:
Israeli democracy is at risk
You can help protect it ahead of the coming World Zionist Congress Please support the values of democracy liberalism and pluralism.
ARZA represents Australian Progressive Judaism and Progressive values at the World Zionist Congress to be held in 2025. Our delegates will team with Progressive delegates from around the world. We need your membership to make sure we can effectively represent Progressive values of democracy, social justice, human rights, equality for all, and religious pluralism at the Congress in the face of growing opposition.
The total number of Australian members of ARZA determines the number of votes we have at the Congress, where over $1 billion is allocated to programs in Israel and in the Diaspora. The fundamentalists are opposing progressive Judaism and are aggressively trying to undermine all that we stand for. They seek to cancel us, reject reform and Conservative conversions and question our children’s Jewish identity. They demand gender segregation in israeli society, roll back gains for religious pluralism, gender equity, LGBTQ+ rghts and strive to undermine democracy and adnvance ANTI-democratic, racist policies.
You can make a difference right now!
Here is the link to – join now:
We need your help urgently!