By providing support to the United Israel Appeal (UIA) Progressive Trust you can directly help the absorption of refugees and migrants in Israel as well as supporting the work to ensure that Israel is inclusive and democratic. Please take the opportunity to show your support for Israel and for the Progressive movement.

All money given to the Progressive Trust goes via the Jewish Agency and the World Union for Progressive Judaism to provide front-line services to refugees and migrants.  The Legal Action Centre for Olim is led by Australian-born Nicky Maor-Center and provides legal advice and support for people facing a wide range of problems including status, dealing with Government bureaucracy, conversion and marital status issues and so on, particularly for migrants from Ethiopia, South America and the former Soviet Union.  Funds also go to Progressive congregations which, unlike every orthodox synagogue and rabbinic position, receive no Government funds but nevertheless go out of their way to welcome and help new arrivals.

Funds from the Progressive Trust also go to projects such as the recently opened school for children of refugees and migrant workers in Jerusalem.  Established by the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism the school is the first of its kind and provides unique settlement services to the students and their families.

By supporting projects like this the Progressive Trust allows funds to be allocated to the vital work of the Israel Religious Action Centre, led by renowned social rights activist, Anat Hoffman.  IRAC is at the very forefront of the battle to combat efforts to make Israel less inclusive and less democratic, coordinating legal challenges to unfair laws and organising efforts to highlight the vital need to not allow minority interest dominate the public sphere.

To get more details of how you can attend a function; or make a donation to the UIA Progressive Trust, call the UPJ office on 02 9328 7644.