
International Women’s Day with Merav Michaeli MK!

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Union for Progressive Judaism

For International Women’s Day, ARZA and the UPJ introduce a special interview being brought to Australia by the ZFA on Sunday March 7, at 7 pm. MERAV MICHAELI MK is Head of the Israeli Labor Party for the coming Israeli elections. She is a champion for women’s rights through decades of activism.

While ARZA and the UPJ are non-partisan Zionist Jewish organisations, we do encourage you to view this event, knowing that Progressive Rabbi Gilad Kariv is number 4 on the Labor ticket with a good chance of being elected to the Knesset. He would be the first Progressive Rabbi to join the Knesset as a Member.

ARZA President, Helen Shardey

Helen Shardey
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President

Brian Samuel and David Knoll, UPJ Co-Presidents

Brian Samuel OAM and David Knoll AM
UPJ Joint Presidents

ZFA Logo




The Zionist Federation of Australia is delighted to invite to you a very special event for International Women’s Day 2021, featuring member of Knesset and Labor Party leader Merav Michaeli MK. A champion for women’s rights, MK Michaeli will also speak about the upcoming Israeli elections. She will be in conversation with ZFA’s Information Chair, Adele Stowe-Lindner.

The global theme for International Women’s Day is “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. In keeping with the theme of hearing from women who inspire, lead and are committed to making a difference every day, Merav Michaeli embodies all of these qualities through decades of activism seeking to promote equal rights for women.

Merav Michaeli is the newly elected chair of the Israeli Labor Party and a Knesset member since 2013. She is a former journalist, TV anchor, and radio broadcaster. Her activities have extended over many issues and sectors, including; socio-economic discourse, gender equality, relationship between state and religion, LBGTQ rights, labor rights and promoting the peace process.

Join us on Sunday 7 March 2021 at 7 pm over Zoom for what is sure to be a fascinating conversation. Register here.

Register Now!
Flyer - ZFA Merav Michaeli MK

2021-03-01T21:18:57+11:00March 1st, 2021|Events, News|

Chag Chanukah Sameach!

Kislev 5781/ December 2020

“Hanukkah is the festival on which Jews celebrate their victory in the fight for religious freedom more than two thousand years ago. Tragically that fight is no less important today – and not only for Jews, but for people of all faiths.”
The late Rabbi Lord Jonathon Sacks

Wishing you a joyous and meaningful Chanukah

The UPJ Executive and Staff

David Knoll AM and Brian Samuel OAM, Co-Presidents
Roger Mendelson, Immediate Past President
Dorothy Graff, Vice-President
Helen Shardey, Vice-President
Sally Castle, Honorary Treasurer
Larry Lockshin, Honorary Secretary
Committee: Judi Hall, Danny Hochberg,
Associate Professor Joshua Keller,
Marsha Rosenberg, Sue Silberberg, Franklin Tate

Rabbi Nicole Roberts and Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Moetzah Representatives
Lior Kalisse, Netzer Federal Mazkir
Sefi Shalam, Progressive Community and Netzer Shaliach
Sharene Hambur, WUPJ Representative

Jocelyn Robuck, Executive Manager

The ARZA Australia Executive

Helen Shardey, President
Steve Denenberg, Immediate Past President
Sue Silberberg, Vice-President
Tony Leverton, Honorary Treasurer
Alex Knopoff, Honorary Secretary
Rabbinic Advisor: Rabbi Fred Morgan
Committee Member: Cassie Barrett
Ex-Officio: Lior Kalisse, Rabbi Nicole Roberts and Sefi Shalam

Click here to learn about Chanukah events throughout the UPJ region.

2021-03-01T19:43:19+11:00December 10th, 2020|Events, News|

Miracle of Lights

As the festival of Chanukah approaches, we think of Judah Maccabee and the other Jews who were able to drive the Greek-Syrians out of Jerusalem and cleanse the Second Temple, leading to its rededication. It is remembered as the Miracle of Lights whereby the small amount of temple oil, only enough to burn for a single day, continued burning for eight days.

This festival is traditionally thought of as the miracle of light over darkness that saw the maintenance of an independent Jewish Kingdom at around 200 BCE, allowing the Jews to continue practicing their religion.

Today, the land of Israel is seen as the home of the Jewish people, regardless of where they reside in the world.

For those of us who live in the Diaspora and practice Progressive Judaism, the importance of a free and democratic Eretz Israel is part and parcel of our beliefs and values; a land where we seek freedom of religious practice, like the Maccabees, religious equality for all streams of Judaism, and a pluralistic society where men, women and Jews of colour are treated as one.

We are, at this time, blessed by the world bodies of Judaism seeking to share the light: the World Union for Progressive Judaism, the World Zionist Organisation and our own Union for Progressive Judaism, including our many Progressive synagogues, schools and organisations.

As we celebrate the first night of Chanukah on Thursday 10 December, we will, I believe, be hoping for the spreading of light over darkness to deal with the scourge of COVID-19 in Israel and the political instability that is currently rife in the Jewish homeland. We will also be hoping that, whatever the political outcome, our Progressive movement will continue to grow and be strong in Israel so that we in the Diaspora will feel welcome and at home in the land of our ancestors.

Chag Chanukah Sameach!

ARZA President, Helen Shardey

Helen Shardey
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President

2021-03-01T19:43:00+11:00December 9th, 2020|Events, News|
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