Minutes of Annual General Meeting ARZA Australia Inc. (A0045716R)
held at the University of South Australia on 23 November 2014 at 9.15 a.m.
- Attendance: See list attached.
- Apologies: David Southwick, Rabbi Aviva Kipen, Robert Cussel, Ian Samuel, John Mendelson, Madeline McKenna, Frank Moore.
- Adoption of Minutes of AGM held at Leo Baeck Centre Melbourne on 17 November 2013. Moved – Sharene Hambur seconded by Phillip Levy. Carried.
- Matters arising. None.
- Chairperson’s Report. B. Ford said that the report as it appeared on the ARZA website had been tabled and circulated. She highlighted certain aspects of her report including: the success of resolutions presented to the World Zionist Congress (WZC) in Israel. Funding support for Israel related programs in schools in Australia together with funding to Netzer Olami and Netzer locally. Barbara spoke of the importance of the upcoming World Zionist Congress (WZC) elections and the importance of increasing ARZA membership. Barbara thanked the UPJ for allowing Steve and Jocelyn to provide administrative support for ARZA. She thanked Steve Denenberg and Jocelyn Robuck for their help and support during her time as president. She thanked those members of the Board who are stepping down and thanked them for their hard work and support, As this completes her term of 4 years as President she pledged her support to the incoming Board.
Acceptance of President’s Report. Moved by Barbara Ford, seconded by Bev Gelbart. Carried.
- Treasurer’s Report. P. Levy. The report as it appeared on the website was tabled and circulated. The Treasurer explained that the position of the organization was sound. It was also explained that affiliation fees are received on cash basis and come in as lump sums at varying times of the year.
Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Phillip Levy seconded by Brain Samuel. Carried.
- Appointment of honorary solicitors. It was moved by Barbara Ford that Norbert Schweizer of Schweizer Kobras be re-appointed as Honorary Solicitor. Seconded by Sandy Hollis. Carried
- Auditors: Barbara Ford explained that audit is not a requirement of the legislation. The financial statements that the Treasurer presented have been reviewed by an independent accountant.
- Election of members of the Committee. The following office bearers and ordinary members were elected unopposed:
President: Vacant.
Secretary: Helen Bryant
Treasurer Phillip Levy
Vice President Phillip Bliss (Victoria)
Vice President Sandy Hollis (NSW)
Ordinary Members: Annetay Henderson Sapir
Ex Officio Netzer representatives-: Nadav Shachmon, Yuval Nemirovsky, Shoshana Booth;
UPJ President: Stephen Freeman
It was noted that a short committee meeting would be held immediately after the AGM
10. Special resolution to amend the constitution – not presented. The outgoing president Barbara Ford explained that the new committee would review the proposed changes, allow a period for consultation and call for a decision at a general meeting. Meanwhile the existing constitution and the Model Rules of the Victorian legislation apply.
11. General Business. Barbara Ford was advised that due to ill health Ian Samuel would not be joining the ARZA board. Barbara gave a vote of thanks to Ian Samuel for his long and dedicated service to ARZA and the Zionist cause. Carried by loud acclamation.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50am
Annual General Meeting of ARZA Australia Inc A0045716R
23 November 2014
Roger Mendelson
Rabbi John Cooper Sally Castle Helen Bryant Philip Levy Yuval Nemirovsky Shoshana Booth Lorraine Larry Brian Samuel Chris Smith Graeme Smith Maureen Barten Inna Lysy Julie Contole Marnie Gross Michael Taft
Jonathan Barnett
Sandy Hollis Rabbi Alison Conyer Sharene Hambur Kelvin Ratnam Carol Ratnam Charles Simon Bev Gelbart Charles Simon Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black Rena Langberg Rabbi Addi Cohen Jocelyn Robuck Steve Denenberg Rebecca Silk Barbara Ford