Dear friends,

Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan and Opposition Leader John Pesutto were keynote speakers to a reception this week marking the 76th anniversary of the State of Israel. The two party leaders were joined at the function by numerous state and federal politicians, representatives of other nations, VIPs from all walks of Victorian life and various senior faith and community leaders.

The event included a flower installation, with 125 flowers representing the hostages still held by Hamas. Each flower had an image of a hostage and a prayer for their safe return. Guests were invited to take a flower home in remembrance of those in captivity.

The evening was co-hosted by Zionism Victoria, the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Jewish Community Council of Victoria and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry. The Premier shared her concerns over rising antisemitism in Victoria and how it should be tackled. Opposition Leader John Pesutto also discussed the rise in anti-Jewish hatred and outlined what steps he would take to make the community feel safe again. ZV President Yossi Goldfarb reflected on an encounter he’d had with a man who told him the horrific accounts of 7th October were a hoax.

Philip Zajac, President of JCCV called for urgent action regarding hate speech, antisemitism and the intimidation that our community is facing. The need to move beyond the rhetoric of condemnation to actual deeds in order to maintain the social cohesion of our multicultural community and life without fear.

I would like to share with you an article I wrote recently regarding this very topic emphasising the need for courageous leadership at this time in order to stop the Hate and protect our community:

I would also recommend reading the following article by Dr Michael Milstein’s the head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Dayan Centre at Tel Aviv University regarding his view of the most realistic way forwards for Israel and the Palestinians.

Please go to the Arzenu Facebook page (link below) to share an invitation to join URJ and WRJ in a conversation with Sheryl Sandberg about the documentary, “Screams before Silence”. The title comes from a survivor, who described the sexual assault that she heard by the screams before the silence. When you repost to your constituents, please check the youtube link to make sure it works where you are.


Thank you for continued support of ARZA, helping to promote progressive Jewish voices both here and abroad. To continue our efforts, we need your support. If you have not yet renewed your 2024 membership, the cost is only $18 and your membership will provide us with priceless votes at the upcoming World Zionist Congress in Israel.


We also always welcome donations, for as little as $10. This helps us to continue advocating on key local issues on behalf of Australia’s reform community.


Wishing you all a peaceful week, praying for the quick release of all the hostages.

Am Israel Chai

Ayal Marek
President ARZA