While the world is desperately trying to deal with the spread of COVID-19, scientists are working to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus that can be adapted to be suitable for humans.
It has been reported that the MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, with funds from the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology and with Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture has achieved a scientific breakthrough that may well lead to the rapid creation of a vaccine. This is according to the MIGAL research institute’s website.
While some believe that such a quick outcome is unlikely, the mere fact that Israel believes it may be on the path to find a solution, does speak volumes about the capacity and ability of Israel to make such enormous contributions to the world of technology, science and medicine.
What started off as such a little scrap of dirt in the desert has now with the support of the World Zionist movement and the Jewish world turned into a significant nation of startups, achievements and technological advances that can be shared with the rest of the world for the benefit and safety of mankind.
It is our continued support as Jews of Eretz Yisrael that will bring about the betterment of our world, to make it a better place. This is a significant contribution that we Jews call Tikun Olam.
And so I ask you as Progressive Jews, to join our Progressive Jewish Zionist organization, ARZA Australia to ensure our Australian Progressive movement has a strong voice at the World Zionist Congress in Israel later this year, where decisions about the future of Israel and the Diaspora will be made.
ARZA President, Helen Shardey