As we say the brachot for Sukkot over the lulav and etrog, we are reminded of G-d as the source of our protection and security. I suspect that this is on our minds particularly during this difficult time. Having recently celebrated Rosh Hashanah, we are also probably wondering what the year 5781 will bring us. We of course will be hoping it is a healthy, sweet and peaceful year, and a year in which we see equality for Progressive Jews in Israel.
With this in mind, I read the Rosh Hashanah message from Anat Hoffman. She used a swimming analogy to invite Progressive Jews worldwide to join in swimming against the current of Israeli society’s gravity in order to create more social change in the year to come for; equality in marriage, recognition and support for Progressive Rabbis and congregations, gender equality, ending racial incitement, protecting Israel’s democracy during the pandemic, advancing equal rights for Jews of colour and protecting the rights of Jews by choice.
These are the elements of social change that ARZA Australia and our Progressive Movement also supports and we invite you to continue your support for Zionism through ARZA Australia, the UPJ and our Rabbis and Cantors.
On behalf of ARZA Australia I wish you and yours Chag Sukkot Sameach

ARZA President, Helen Shardey