MEMBERSHIP – By paying your Annual Membership of $18 per person (over 18 years of age) or $36 for families, you can make a major contribution to Israel and to Progressive Judaism. Be a Jewish person who supports the principles of Progressive Judaism and endorses the Jerusalem Program.

Join Now

Membership enables you to:

  • Express your active commitment to Israel and the Jewish People;
  • Vote in the World Zionist Organisation elections and send Progressive delegates to the World Zionist Congress;
  • Show your support for the development of Progressive values in Israel;
  • Enhance your congregation’s relationship with Israel;
  • Strengthen your personal connection to Israel;
  • Support Progressive Zionist activity and representation in the Australasian region.


  • Do you care about the Progressive/Reform Movement in Israel,
  • Do you support egalitarian prayer,
  • Do you believe in freedom of religion, the right of Progressive and Conservative rabbis to conduct [legally recognised] marriage, divorce, burial and conversion,
  • Do you believe that women should have equal status, here is your chance to make a difference.

Joining ARZA – is the best way for you to directly influence and impact on the future of the Progressive Movement in Israel and of the Jewish people around the globe.

MEMBERSHIP – By paying your Annual Membership of $18 per person (over 18 years of age) or $36 for families, you can make a major contribution to Israel and to Progressive Judaism. Be a Jewish person who supports the principles of Progressive Judaism and endorses the Jerusalem Program.

Use our online membership form.