Barbara Ford shares the latest ARZA news, including reporting on meetings with new ARZENU President Rabbi Larry Englander and the upcoming visit of Rabbi Benjie Gruber.


Rabbi Larry Englander – President Elect ARZENU

The ARZA Board met electronically with the President elect of our world roof body, ARZENU, Rabbi Larry Englander, a soon-to-retire congregational rabbi in Toronto, Canada.  We discussed the forthcoming elections for the World Zionist Council which will take place in 2015. We shared with Rabbi Englander a presentation that was just completed which explains the role that ARZA’s plays in the World Zionist Organisation (WZO). The presentation was so well received that it is being adapted by ARZA organizations in each country around the world in readiness for the election.

Visit of Rabbi Benjie Gruber

We are preparing for the visit of Rabbi Benjie Gruber who will be the guest speaker for the UIA Progressive Trust. ARZA strongly supports the annual fundraising Appeal that sends approximately AUD$1,000,000 each year to Israel to assist in the resettlement of Olim and in the development of Israel as an inclusive and democratic State.

Mission to Poland

There is still time to join the second Mission to Poland in April 2014 co-hosted by ARZA, UPJ, Emanuel Synagogue and Temple Beth Israel. The group will be commemorating the Shoah as well as visiting and praying with emerging communities in Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin.  In Israel we will be commemorating Yom HaZicharon; celebrating Yom Ha’Atzmaut, as well as meeting with many of the leaders of the Progressive movement in Israel and key Israeli and Australian Government representatives.To read the blog of the last Mission visit:

The Future

The past year has seen some dramatic yet positive developments in Israel that have endorsed and implemented many of the social changes that ARZA and ARZENU have called for over a long period as part of Israel’s move towards being a fully inclusive and democratic society.  We are heartened and inspired by these developments and look forward to the coming year with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Barbara Ford
