The Australian Reform Zionist Association, ARZA, has become a totally independent association dedicated to representing the views of Progressive Jewish Zionists in Israel and in Australia.
ARZA has released the following statement: “Whereas the Union for Progressive Judaism previously provided ARZA’s administrative support, ARZA has now grown to a point where, for it to build upon its successes and increase its impact on decision-making processes in Israel and locally, it requires an independent, dedicated team of volunteers and administrative support.”
Acting President, Barbara Ford said: “In the recent lead-up to possible elections for the World Zionist Congress, ARZA clearly showed itself as the strongest religious Zionist group in Australia and we are confident that this support will now be demonstrated through tangible support for our works.”
“Quite simply, for the many people who care about the need for pluralistic Judaism to be recognised in Israel, for those who support egalitarian prayer and believe in freedom of religion, ARZA is the organisation to support” said Ford “If you believe in the right of Progressive and Conservative rabbis to conduct [legally recognised] marriage, divorce, burial and conversion, if you believe that women should have equal status, then joining and supporting the work of ARZA is the very best way to make a difference.”
“Joining ARZA is the best way for people of all religious affiliations to directly influence and impact on the future of the Judaism in Israel and the relationship of the Jewish people around the globe.” Said Ford “We look forward to starting a new membership and communication program that will focus on our past achievements in the World Zionist Congress where ARZA is part of the strongest faction, and on the significant opportunities that we will further at the forthcoming Congress to take place in Jerusalem in October of this year.”
J-Wire September 13, 2015