The damaged Holocaust memorial in Drobytsky Yar ravine on the outskirts of Kharkiv
As we, the Jewish community prepare to celebrate our deliverance from Egypt and our freedom as a people, we can’t help but mourn the current suffering of some of our people along with their countrymen and women in Ukraine. We mourn for the unspeakable suffering they are having to endure at the hands of one who is determined to destroy.
The words of Mi Chamochah will be ringing in our ears as we remember the wonders worked to bring the Hebrews out of slavery, the sea splitting before Moses and Miriam. I can’t help but think we are hoping for a miracle to save the people of Ukraine and the many Jews seeking to save their families and having to flee their homeland.
We have, as a community through our Progressive Appeal, endeavoured to contribute as much as we can to the World Union for Progressive Judaism’s (WUPJ’s) Ukraine Crisis Fund which is helping bring escaping Jews and others to Israel and providing support to those who have fled to neighbouring countries around the borders of Ukraine.
We pray that those entering Israel are being welcomed with open arms. We hope that the process of making Aliyah is not made too difficult. We support the Legal Aid Centre for Olim (LACO) in its work to assist those having difficulty in being accepted as legitimate refugees and Olim.
I know, as we sit around the Seder table with family and friends, we will all feel an acute sense of gratitude that we can enjoy a freedom that we all cherish. I also know that we will continue to do what we can, however we can, to support the Jews and the people of Ukraine until their day of freedom comes.

Helen Shardey OAM
ARZA Australia President
UPJ Vice President