Understanding Pesach
in the context of our current reality
7.30pm Tuesday 16 April at TBI
Rabbi Allison Conyer will share her fantastic Pre-Pesach presentation, originally delivered at Victoria’s Parliament House and facilitated by PJV. (more…)
Rabbi Allison Conyer will share her fantastic Pre-Pesach presentation, originally delivered at Victoria’s Parliament House and facilitated by PJV. (more…)
Dear friends,
Following our previous update about the launch of Tamar in Australia with the first Melbourne gathering, we are thrilled to update on the first Tamar event that took place in Sydney. Please find below an update from Avishai Conyer who is leading, among other things, the Tamar initiative in Sydney. ARZA is working in collaboration with other leading organisations to support and promote this great initiative to engage with our younger generations.
Shabat Shalom
Ayal Marek
President ARZA
Co Vice President UPJ (more…)
Dear friends,
On the eve of Purim, ARZA is happy to share with you the launch of TAMAR in Australia.
“Tamar, Tnuat Magshimim Reformit, is a global platform for engaging Progressive Jewish young adults – college students, young professionals and young families, ages 18-35 years old – looking to build and strengthen Progressive Jewish connections and communities.”
Anyone interested in hearing more about it is welcome to contact us. (more…)