Chag Chanukah sameach!
Kislev 5780 / December 2019
May this festival of lights reflect our commitment
to bring our Jewish light to the world.
Wishing you and your family Happy Chanukah!
The UPJ Executive and Staff
David Knoll AM and Brian Samuel OAM, Co-Presidents
Roger Mendelson, Immediate Past President
Helen Shardey, Vice-President
Sally Castle, Honorary Treasurer
Larry Lockshin, Honorary Secretary
Committee: Trevor Creewel, Sharon Davis, Judi Hall, Associate Professor Joshua Keller, Marsha Rosenberg, Franklin Tate
Rabbi David Kunin and Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Moetzah Representatives
Nancy Kochen, Netzer Federal Mazkira
Sefi Shalam, Progressive Community and Netzer Shaliach
Sharene Hambur, WUPJ Representative
Jocelyn Robuck, Executive Manager
The ARZA Australia Executive
Helen Shardey, President
Steve Denenberg, Immediate Past President
Philip Levy, Vice-President
Sue Silberberg, Vice-President
Tony Leverton, Honorary Treasurer
Alex Knopoff, Honorary Secretary
Committee: Cassie Barrett, Rabbi Fred Morgan
Ex-Officio: Nancye Kochen, Rabbi David Kunin and Sefi Shalam